So it is early Sunday morning and B and I are up, again, before 7:30 in our new master suite. We have all one would ever need in a master suite: a big screen TV, a new faux fireplace, our Wii, oh, but wait, we don't have a bed. You see the new master suite is our finished basement in our rental house. And our new bed is our section couch. Well sometimes. Sometimes it's the old bean bag Big D made for us kids way back when. This bean bag is legendary. Historic in the Homrich family. Many pre-teen snuggle-sessions have occurred on the oversized hacky sack. Perhaps TMI....moving on. Since the diagnosis, B has found it too hard to sleep in a conventional bed so we have tried many things and have found that the best position is in a seated position...almost like stadium seating. Talk about a true love for sports! He generally goes from couch to bean bag, and then back again.
I, being the wimp that I am, can't stand sleeping alone so I have moved into the new master suite, too. Not to say that many a night B begged me to go upstairs and get a good night sleep. But what fun is it to sleep alone in a giant bed!?! I would find even a single bed giant, so to sleep alone in our bed, NO WAY. Even the dog and the cat join the party every night. Come to think about it, this is the most I've seen Jetta at night since we got Bear!
Alright enough about the master suite, back to B. As I said we are up before 7:30. I am up for 2 reasons: to help out B with his pain (he's not the best at remembering what time the next Vicodin body shot is), and to get ready for church.....I have a lot to pray about....throw me a bone, OK.
B had a pretty bad night. Much to our dismay the radiation has not helped with his pain yet. Actually, we think he is in more pain than he was pre-radiation. I try not to cry every minute. I wish I could do something but I truly am helpless. B woke up 2 times last night (a good night, by recent standards), as did I, and we re-medicated, applied heat, and tucked him back in. There is nothing worse than seeing the one you love with all your heart, go through this. It is a shame. But we will be stronger for this and so will our marriage. We are getting out all the "for worse" now, so we will have a full marriage left of "for better". If he didn't love me before, you bet your ass he does now.
Well, we have a lot to look forward to today....great friends are coming over to watch the Super Bowl with us. Unfortunately, leaving the house for B is out of the question. I am hoping for a Saints win, and that is because I am obsessed with Kim Kardashian...not Whats His Name Bush.
Well I hope my first blog was OK. As I said, not much of a writer. And I know soon enough we will be able to return to the true master suite. Signing off.
P.S. We were asked earlier how we handled finding out the news and how we are coping. To be honest, this is how we're coping. We try and stay as normal as possible, as long as possible. Finding a laugh in the small things has become a lot more meaningful. Which we're fine with. We love each other's company and love being with each other, so for us, in a really crazy way, this is special.
As for the day we found out. It was really a shock. Doctor #1 brought up the "C" word after the x-rays, but kinda dismissed it. Doctor #2 left us believing it certainly was nothing of the sort. But then when he called and gave us the news...well, he gave Ben the news, who then gave me the news at work, it was a major blow! I cried for a bit at work, but then realized how strong we are and how confident I was that we were going to beat this thing!! Still, it's tough to handle, and when I think about my husband of less than 6 months having cancer, I can't even breathe. But anyone who knows BMuttz, knows that he is a fighter and usually fights his way for what he wants. He wasn't handed much in life, but I love him and am proud to be his wife. As B said the other day and wrote on our calendar, about how we'll handle this....We got this!
L - you put tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. Your first blog was exceptional.
ReplyDeleteSee you later.
The first blog is always the hardest and you did a fantastic job, LMuttz. The "for worse" and "for better" paragraph got me all teary.
ReplyDeleteYou put the "sweet" in master suite. I love that you're a trooper right there along with him.
... I'm rooting for the Saints, too, and am hoping for a lot of Kardashian close-ups!
L: Fabulous job on the first post. I really feel the love between you and BMuttz through your writing. It's hard to hear BMuttz is in such pain, but, be strong, you both will get through this. When this is all said and done, nothing will be difficult anymore. Keep on trucking both of you ... P.S. Nice Master Suite!!!! I can't wait to visit.
ReplyDeleteHi L and B,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you guys a lot and definitely commend you for opening up to all of the people you have crossed paths with for support. I have been reliving fun memories from many years ago - Ask ben to tell you about 4 friends who used to meet on a street corner in the subdivision in middle school - that's how I met Ben. Your stories hit home for me. And for the record I would not sleep in that big bed alone either!
Love you guys
ReplyDeleteBlog City! L, we haven't spoke since this went down, but I hope you know I love you and am there for you. Stay Strong! As B got this! B, I don't have to say much here. You know my thoughts are the same in one sentence as in an entire awesome Jake Blog.
ReplyDeleteBehind the back 2 coming your way.
The approach the two of you are taking is truly commendable. As I’ve read your first two blog posts I am reminded of my favorite poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley. Invictus is Latin for unconquered. Whenever I’m down I try my best to stay strong and think of the last two lines of this poem always.
ReplyDeleteOut of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
B and L I love the both of you very much. I believe in the saying love conquers all. with love along with strenghth of mind,body,and soul I am confident that you will beat this. With love and support from me and everyone you know and dont know stay strong
ReplyDeleteYou are so wrong.. you are an amazing writer (thank you Mr. Gossett!). Thinking and praying for you and your husband, and I will be checking back for updates. Heard you are in GR again - would be lovely to get together (maybe me, you and Ash) and have some coffee or lunch.
Love ya,
Amy (Butler) Hartman
PS. You were the most beautiful bride ever!