Another little win was, uh, I guess you could say B seeing a guy about a horse? No? Dropping the kids off at the pool? Still not following? He took a dump! For most of us, preparing our daily numero dos' consists of waking up, maybe reading some emails or having some coffee and marching our groggy selves to the porcelain tree stump. However, here at the Muttz casa, B having a BM is a big deal. He has been able to take care of business 2 days in a row.....consider that another win for the week. Well, 2 out of 3, but that's better than last week when it was 0 for 4! Sitting hurts for him and when you're blood type is considered 'PILL', it makes going a bit tougher. It's the small things in life, right?!
And then there's B's modified gait. Last week you would have guessed that he was training with the Green Berets, readying himself for armed combat in Munchkinland, the way he was crawling around the house. The only difference is that the point of staying low is to go unnoticed, and between us, B didn't master the art of camouflage. His crawl was accompanied by loud moans and painful groans defeating the incognito strategy. This week, however, has been a bit better. With radiation underway (4 sessions down, 11 to go on his hip), he is now able to gimp around on crutches. He is even able to put some weight on his leg (albeit the same amount of weight a ladybug crushes your forearm with), which is more then could be said the last few weeks. Don't think that he is feeling better though. His back hurts from trying to avoid shattering his own hip, his eyelids are heavier than bricks because he still can't sleep, and his precious moments of sleep are rudely interrupted by a quick twitch causing his leg to spasm and almost bring him to tears. But, he can go up and down the stairs now without a safety net behind him, and the doctor assured us that by this time next week he should begin feeling a reduction in pain. That being said: Small Win!!

Lastly, B has been able to eat this week. We were competing (well, I was) this past week to see who could go longer without eating, and he won....WHAT? I can survive on a handful of croutons and a piece of licorice for 3 days without feeling hungry, but last week B just didn't have much of an appetite. This is a guy who invented his own diet called "Calorie Stacking." He eats a bowl of Fruit Loops for breakfast and then fasts THE ENTIRE DAY until dinner. From that point until bed, he seemingly devours anything he can get his hands on. When I question him about his approach he explains to me that until dinner he only ingested 150 calories or so, meaning that he has 1,850 to crush before bed so he doesn't get ripped off. And those are on non-activity days! Anyways, the meds were making him so sick that eating was out of the question. He almost threw up watching a Wonder Bread commercial, for goodness sakes. But this week things are looking up. He ate a ton of pizza tonight....thanks to the Sisters 'Reno, and it seems that we are back to normal....B stacking his cals so he can raid the pantry (well, have me raid the pantry for him) all night. Yup you guessed, another win.
This week really wasn't so bad, ya see. As simple as these things are to most, they are big deals over here. We're anxiously awaiting our meeting with Doctor #4 this Thursday. That should tell us the results of the lung biopsy from last week, hopefully fill us in to where the cancer started, and then we can figure out a plan of attack for getting rid of the rest of the cancer in B's body. I can hardly sleep and have to make myself eat, but I know whatever we hear, good or not as good, we will deal with. We got this!
Also, a couple personal shout-outs to express our thanks to all of our family and friends. It's no blessing that we're going through this, but one thing that's been great (besides watching all of you quit smoking), is knowing how much we're loved. We can't express the gratitude that we have to everyone who has helped...making meals, sending cards, gift cards, taking B to and from treatment, and on and on and on. Friends from high school, neighbors in the dorm from college, acquaintances of acquaintances. We appreciate all of your support and encouragement. This journey would be impossible alone, and it's nice to know how many people are with us for the ride.
Please continue to spread the word and bring others to the blog. Everyone has a story to share...whether it's about cancer in your family, a funny story from the past with one of us, or just some words of kindness. Everything we read makes a difference, and from our hearts, we love you!
Congrats on the anniversary! And on the poops! :-) Love, Amber
ReplyDeleteWow...I can't believe it's been six months! I"m so glad I got to share in that special day with you both. Also on a side note, I can't wait to bust out my hot pink shoes this summer ;)
Any victory, big or small, is worth celebrating. As a man who enjoys my "office time," I'm glad to hear that BMuttz has been "regular" this week. But "seeing a guy about a horse." What? I'm using that. Keep on keeping on. Congrats on the anniversary. We're here for you two.
ReplyDeletePS: Tigergate was hard on X and I too. Well, harder on her than me. Hard for her to deal with my obsession. Where is that guy by the way? Tiger ... Tiger ...
Someone needs to get this man a bell. I'm sure that'd be loads of fun for you, L. :)
ReplyDeleteI learned a few things from reading this blog, but one I didn't expect to learn was that I'm a calorie stacker. So, that's what it's called. I'm all for the calorie stacking, B. Stack 'em, stack 'em high.
Congrats on the number two! I hope you guys pulled out the confetti and the noise makers for that.
For real, congratulations on six months. You look so pretty in that picture, L. Before you know it, another six months will fly by.
Congratulations on your 6 months anniversary! You guys have been through so much, and it seems like just yesterday we were all partying at your wedding. By the way, GREAT party! Three cheers on the BM's BM :)
ReplyDeleteOops, that last one was from me! Love, Molly
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your blog tonight--oops I did know it was your 6 months right? Keep on keeping on and celebrate every day with a poop of your own!! Someday soon we will look back and know we are all stronger for watching the love between you grow and grow. We are all in your corner and if it makes everybody come out of the woodwork so be it.
ReplyDeleteJust take it slow and easy and we're up for a gigantic fight. You know we don't do anything in our family normal and let's show how united we are. I love you both more than words can say.
You're going down in Madden and Tecmo Mr. B!! Love the Blog...Love u both...Peace
ReplyDeleteThanks you for sharing your difficult journey. Seems you are making the best of a bad situation, which is very inspiring. As a RN I can assure you that a strong will and good humor will help immensely. Know that we are pulling for you out here in Washington D.C. -under 32 inches of snow
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your anniversary and good work with the poop!
Warm regards,
(friend of Molly G.)
I heard so many great things about Ben and Lindsey from my good friend Molly, and I met you guys briefly at Molly's wedding (I think, right?). I am rooting for you!!! It sounds like you are keeping the spirits up and the humor high - I love it. I loved reading the post, BM's and all. I will be a follower and a supporter - sending love and strength from Charlotte, NC!!
ReplyDeleteMegan (friend of Molly G.....or I guess it's Molly W. now!)
Bong Bong Kiddie.... Check in! Thinking about you guys often.
ReplyDeleteWhen the appetite's back up lets chat, Nasa and I have been studying anti-cancer diets for a couple years now. Effective or not it's got to be better for you than the C-STACKING .... ahahaha that is the manliest diet I have ever heard of.
Much love. POWER.
Craig A
This blog is great! I'm following it closer than Rich Blazen follows the Tuesday night Skokie league standings.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a religous type, but I do have a favorite scripture. It's from 2 Timothy and it goes something like this: "Fight the good fight. Finish the race. Keep the faith."
That pretty much sums it up, Ben. Keep the faith. Fight the fight. Finish this sucky ass race so we can all celebrate like there's no tomorrow. We're thinking about you guys!
Muttz, glad your making some progress. You realize in the matter of a week you have turned the entire crew into some tweeked out blogers. As for as Deuce problems I got you covered.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you have extraneous circumstances, but after Libs and I played chicken with that Semi, I was (per Dr. orders) a hard core pill popper for months. 4 every 4 hours minimum. I too lost the ability to purge :). The answer is Konsyl, one teaspoon full a day you will have one less issue to deal with. We refer to it as “Perfect Deuce” and it’s a must any time you’re on pain meds or hittin an all you can eat Brazilian BBQ.
Much Love
Wow, just last night NASA's delicious pot roast stew kept me atop the "porcelain tree stump" from 2 to 3 AM but now I don't feel like giving him shit anymore (no pun intended). Been thinking of you two all the time. Keep up the small wins :)
Nasa, I'm glad you guys are all blogheads now. Hell, even I am....I never knew anything about blogs except that X had a good one and sometimes I comment on it.
ReplyDeleteThank you again, everyone, for the support and encouragement, but most importantly, thanks for the deuce stories!! I love it! Keep 'em comin.
Yo... looking for a blue Jeep Liberty I misplaced at your wedding... you seen it?
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good fight... thinking of you both!
Mr & Mrs C...
Bmuttz & L,
ReplyDeleteIt's gonna be so great when you pull the world's biggest fart face turnaround on this sh*t.
We think about you often and love you very much. Your strength is incredibly inspiring.
Scott and Meggan
The site www.weightlossguide.com which contain information on that particular stacker even tells us the precautions that we have to take