I got bumped by someone's gigantic fanny in my right hip, but this wasn't your typical bump. This hurt so bad that I could feel it in my groin (which later, Doctor #1 would tell me, actually is my real hip). I'm a tough kid, so I played through the pain for another 3 weeks, only feeling a little bit of a twinge when running at anything more than 50% speed.
Christmas time came and the league ended for 3 weeks. Being a natural athlete who knows his body, I figured that would be the perfect amount of rest for my aching hip. After New Year's, I made it back to the gym and on the 1st play back, literally play numero uno, I got bumped again and felt an even worse pain through my upper leg.
Being the caring and compassionate person L is, she finally sassed me enough to come into her office and meet with one of the doctor's in her group, the aforementioned Doctor #1. He did some x-rays, which came up pretty hilarious since all I could focus my attention on was my nice belt buckle and bizarre "snaps" in my rear pockets (anyone who's ever had an x-ray with clothes on knows what I mean).
Long-story short, Doctor #1 referred me to Doctor #2 because of a curious "bump" between my pelvis and femur (ball and socket). Doctor #2 introduced me to the wonderful world of "Biopsy". Say it with me kids, "Bi-O-Psy". Very good. These are not fun and almost always ensure a longer day than the time you wet your pants in 3rd grade music class before the 1st bell even rang. What? That never happened to any of you? Nevermind then!
To make another long-story short, the results came back that I had cancer. All they could tell me was that it was a tumor in my leg, that came from another tumor. But where was this other tumor? Good question...hopefully I know the answer Thursday. More on that in a minute...when we get to Doctor #4.
Doctor #3 is the guy who is going to get rid of my leg tumor. Apparently, they can kill one of them without knowing where the main source is. So, radiation was ordered, and as of today, I am two fifteenths of the way done with that. I go in every weekday for the next 15 weekdays to kill this thing, and hopefully get full use of my leg back.

Right now I can hardly make it to the bathroom without falling on my face. I walk with more of a limp then the oldest of oldies in the over 30 league! If I didn't know I had cancer, I'd make fun of myself, too. Don't feel bad....the cashier at Meijer pried into my limp and even told me about how he suffered a similar "embarrassing" injury when he once ran over his own foot. Yeah, I've heard a lot of been-there-done-that's in the last couple months.
Anyways, on to Doctor #4. See, nobody can tell me where the tumor originated from. They did find a mass in my right lung, but all the doctors seem to be convinced that's not the starting point for one medical reason or another. So, I had another longest-day-in-history this past Wednesday, when I went in at 6:30am for a lung biopsy (performed by Doctor #5). One collapsed lung, one chest tube, a 29 hour hospital stint, a missed weekly bowling league (sorry Pinners) 2 nurse's (one on her 2nd shift), more meds than Canada dispenses to American's daily and the worst case of constipation imaginable, we are a week away from finding out what the lung biopsy has to reveal. The wish is that this shows us where this disgusting disease began, how we need to take care of it, and then taking care of it.
I know it's going to be a tough road, and after watching "Funny People" tonight, I know there will be much vomit, more pain and even more meds for me to trick myself into believing will ultimately help me. But with the support of all of you, and L, and the love everyone I haven't spoken to in years has passed on, we are all certain I will beat this. Right now, the short-term goal is to get myself back to the basketball court. After that, we'll see. But no matter what, if there's one thing that I can get out of this, it's that all those close to me rid themselves of the biggest cancer causing habit out there. Please do yourself a favor and QUIT SMOKING! If I had to get this disease for you to quit, then it was worth it. And don't do it for anyone but yourself. The pain, the nausea, the horrible side-effects aren't worth going through just for a 7-minute timeout. Please, just think twice before lighting up again.
Thanks for coming by, and L and I are planning on adding posts as often as possible. Post questions, leave comments or just read and move on. Either way, spread the word and encourage other survivor's to share their story. I want to know what to look forward to (or what not to), and I'm sure everyone has a story from someone close they can share.
P.S. X, I know the name isn't so original, but your blog is a hit, and I'm not very creative so the first initial thing just stuck. Sorry!
P.P.S. I thought L was going to start the first blog in our fam after watching "Julie & Julia" last week. Guess I was wrong.
BMuttz: First comment! What do I win? Yo, man, it's your boy in Vegas. Glad to see the blog is up and running. It was quite entertaining considering the serious nature of what you're writing about. The way you're handling this situation is an inspiration to us all. X and I have you and L in our thoughts at all times. You're a warrior and will pull through, and those who will get to know you through this blog, they'll learn that soon enough. I'm taking your advice and dropping the Joe Camels. Stay positive. You'll be illegally playing in the over 30 league in no time.
ReplyDeleteUh, what's up with the B thang? I guess no one told you I own the copyright on all first initial blog names. Ha! I'm hardly the first person to come up with that idea, but if it gets me a shout out on your debut blog post, than I'm happy you thought so.
ReplyDeleteHey, Jake and I are constantly thinking/talking/praying about you and L. We wonder how you're doing, what exactly you went through that day and what you're doing to cope. That said, this blog is a brillian idea. We'll be loyal readers and I'm sure we'll just be two of MANY because I know your support system runs super deep.
You're a strong mo'fo, BMuttz. Your wifey is, too. We love you both and will be cheering you on from the sidelines with our pom-poms. Jake can kick really high and he looks dope in his tight little white sweater. The USC cheerleaders got NOTHIN' on us! :)
Hey Ross,
ReplyDeleteIt never ceases to amaze me the things that you can do--my son the blogger!!!!
You and Lindsay are the two strongest people in the world and the love you have for each other is truly a wonderful sight to see.
Be strong, be brave and we will all beat this thang together.
Love you.
Mama J
Jake - congrats, you're the proud winner (you better be proud) of 1/2 of a sterling silver BFF Heart necklace. Check your mail for the delivery soon.
ReplyDeleteX - thanks for the luv. We're so glad Jake found you and he finally got over his nerves to ask you out. You guys are great and you are awesome! I really appreciate your support...and I can't wait to see Jake in his cute lil' sweater. B-ba-B-ba-ba-ba-B Go Bayside!
Mama J - HOLY HELL!! I cannot believe you figured this thing out!!!! Thanks for reading...come back every couple days for updates.
Hey Ben:
ReplyDeleteI have just read your blog with your Mom. I am abundantly impressed with your writing skills and spiritual skills. You and Lindsay are a very special couple in many ways. This challenge can only be overcome from the love and strength and attitude the two of you possess. You have my sincerest best wishes and prayers. Please let me know if there is anything that you or Lindsay need help with and it will be done.
ReplyDeleteBTW...............your blog is the very first blog I have ever read. Your Mom is wacko!
B -
ReplyDeleteThis is such the PERFECT outlet to share with others the incredible story of your survival and recovery. You never cease to amaze me and make me laugh. I am so proud to have you and L as friends....and so proud I can be here to help in anyway necessary and to watch you beat this thing.
You inspire me...L inspires me.....I'm lucky.
Lil Italy
Hey Ben:
ReplyDeleteThought I would take a quick trip back from Iran to post a few comments on the Bean Bag. There is much more history to that beanbag than even Lindsay knows. It's called travel hockey, tournment in midland, wally ball, nanc has a few cocktails and oh my gosh the big D is in ER with a ruptured achilles tendon. Two days later back in GR, surgery and the Big D keeps saying that steelcase has no short term disability. I thought of course it's the drugs, he has no clue what he is talking about. Wrong. He did know but thankfully they had this little factory inside the big factory where they sent injured employees and guess what they made-----bean bags. Hense comes THE BIG BEAN BAG that we could hardly get down the stairs when it was fully filled with beans--or whatever it is that is in there. Anyway, it was one of those times where we said how will we pay the bills???? How long will he be laid up----when can he drive and when can he start taking the trash out again? But this is what makes marriage---- marriage and makes you realize the worst will come. Our hearts are broken it has come this quick for you two, but this is the stuff that makes your marriage strong. After the worst will come the better. We love you guys and I'm sure it's no secret you are on every prayer chain in town----even the bums on division are praying for you two. A moment doesn't go by in the day or night when I am not thinking and praying for you.
Mama nanc
ReplyDelete"everyone has a mountain to climb". yeah, it's an allman brothers song, but its true. you're just the one to take on a mean climb. i've been through the gambit over the past 6 years - surgery, radiation and chemo. the thing that i hate the most is still the mri machine! i won't include my long story here partly because typing has become a pain in the butt. the point is someday we will wax about what we've been through because it will all b a memory. let me know if u ever want to talk
Thank you for this post. I've taken the liberty of forwarding it to my oldest nephew. He is 18 years old and started smoking about 6 months ago. I sincerely hope that he heeds your advice and takes your words to heart. Either way X and I will find a way to make sure he hears your message loud and clear. Thanks again and keep yo’ head up!!
ReplyDeleteB- hang in there. Thanks for giving me a way to know how you're doing so I can stop asking my mom, "Did you talk to Dianne?" every day. If there's ever anything I can do, including resurrecting the Pretty Pretty Princess game I know you're so fond of, please let me know.
ReplyDelete-Jill Gold
over here from X's blog... sending positive thoughts...