This past week has been an absolute whirlwind. It started last Monday with the GVSU scholarship dinner, the dinner where Ben's scholarship was first introduced to the community, to GVSU. It was an affair to remember. Big D, Juancho, and I met at the Amway Grand Plaza. The ballroom was packed. The University offers nearly 300 hundred scholarships each year, and this year the Ben Mutnick Mettle Memorial Scholarship was added to the roster.
When they announced Ben's scholarship I was asked to stand, and then again later during the presentation, the entire department including John was asked to stand. I did really great until I realized that Ben was gone, and until I looked at both Big D and John. Neither of them were crying, but they were both blinking back tears. My dad held his head low, with his eyes closed, and John much the same. It made me realize how many others miss Ben too. It was in that moment that I lost it. I cried with my head high. I cried for all to see the hurt and pain that is caused by cancer. I held Ben's wedding tight in my hand....I needed him to help me get through this dinner. I was one second away from a full blown crying attack. The kind of crying attack when you start making audible noises.....noises you can't stop. I pinched the inside of my thigh, and told myself to grow up and get a grip. I have no idea how I calmed myself down, but I did.
The dinner was special....a true honor. Most people live a life time without ever being honored in this way. And here my husband, Benjamin Ross Mutnick, left a permanent imprint on a major university. He hid his illness, his pain, his fear from almost everyone, and so his passing came as a huge shock to the department. Something should be said about how Ben carried on when most people would have stopped. Cheers to you Ben....Cheers to you.
Em's day was so special, she looked amazing, but I really felt Ben's absence. Ben, Em, and I were all best buds at MSU. We were all the same major, so to be there without him, was staggering, and hard. Not to mention MSU played Wisconsin that night, with an ending that goes down in history. Ben was the first person I wanted to call to talk about the game. I am so intense when I watch MSU that I am pretty sure I threw my bb at some point during the evening. This is something I picked up from Ben....thanks a lot dude. I spent some of the evening texting his closest buds. I feel such a connection to Ben, when I get text messages from the boys on game day. And then of course one of the guys got engaged this weekend. I am so happy for Nasa and Katie.

Congrats again to Emily and Cal....Mazel Tov. And a special shout out to a friend of Em's who was not able to be there. Megs, you should know I danced for you too. Get well soon.