Medical Cast (in numerical order)

Dr. #1 - Orthopaedic Doc from GR - the cool guy
Dr. #2 - Hip biopsy guy, located in The D
Dr. #3 - Leg tumor remover - 'Radiology Oncologist' - also in GR
Dr. #4 - Lung tumor guy - my main Oncologist
Dr. #5 - Lung biopsy/collapsed lung creator
Dr. #6 - The Plumber - Dr. Colonoscopy and Throat Sweeper
Dr. #7 - UM Lung Specialist - hopefully, The Answer Man
Dr. #8 - Orthopedic Oncologist - The Hip Replacer
Dr. #9 - Lung Surgeon - The Wedge Resector
Dr. #10 - Pain Specialist - Real Life McDreamy
Dr. #11 - Orthopaedic Doc Numero 2 - Investigator
Dr. #12 - REAL Pain Specialist - The Angel!
Dr. #13 - Spine Guy
Dr. # 14 - Anesthesiologist
Dr. # 15 - The Cath Man

Find Something Particular

Monday, August 8, 2011

Whatever You Like

First off let me say Happy Anniversary to my best friend in life. Someone I never imaged I would be this connected to. Let me say how much I miss Ben and how much I struggled to get through the day. I wanted to puke, and cry...which I did. I wanted to scream, which I did, I wanted to see you, which I didn't.

So today was quite uneventful. I went to work per the usual, however at lunch I had a stage 1 meltdown. I miss you...I do. I was crying in the sky walk, wondering where you were or if you could see me. I was wondering if you missed me as much as I missed you or if you were partying with Michael Jackson...I sort of image this scenario more then you reflecting on how much you miss me....let's be honest bud! I spent the evening celebrating us...a roast of sorts. Sharing stories with Amanda and was fun. I told them about the numerous times I blew you off....not proud of that or when I finally decided to give us a chance....what the hell was I waiting for?

Today was a day of refection. It was us. So to honor us, I will share some of the funniest stories from our wedding weekend.

Let me start off by saying, our wedding kicked ass. It was full blown amazing. The best food, the best dancing, the best live band, the best groom....the best of everything. To start, what couple do you know that can pull off a Jewish/Catholic wedding....oh I know the Mutnicks. It was the best blend of religion, tradition and culture. I will never forget the hora. Only the best wedding dance out there. Those who don't get to do the hora at their wedding are missing out. It is the none.

And then of course there is Allen Iverson. Yes Allen Iverson, the professional basketball player, was at the hotel during the Mutnick nuptials. So badass. Here I am tooling around in my white lace wedding dress and here comes Allen...what the hell? Who else can say that Allen was at their wedding? No one.

Not to mention, no one can top the Courterier stolen car story. God bless my sister, who just 6 days before our wedding had her first child. And yes Megs came, and stood by my side. The Courteriers, her in-laws, came to watch miss Arleigh Grace....aka Goose, and they only came to realize their car was stolen when they went looking for the misplaced diaper bag. Only at our wedding would a car get jacked. And might I mention this car ended up in the heart of Detroit, on blocks, completley stripped, with a something something in the back seat. Serioulsy...Seriously? I actually have pictures capturing the moment when I tell Ben the car got funny.

And then of course there is the Cauliflower incident....Nasa I am talking to you. So Ben's best buds decide to pull the ultimate prank on Ben. While Ben and I are out visiting friends and family during the Hors d'oeuvre hour, Nasa and the college gang decided to "rework" Ben's boutonniere. It was a lovely boutonniere I might add. However, while Ben left his jacket unattended the gang removed the the lovely white rose and inserted a piece of Cauliflower. Unbeknownst to Ben and I, Ben rocked the Cauliflower boutonniere all night long. It is in all our professional pictures. And all night long every one kept yelling cauliflower at us. I couldn't figure it out. I will never forget Ben turning to me and saying "did you tell the guys I like cauliflower or something because I have no idea what the hell is going on. I hate cauliflower." It was only later in the night that TPlan came clean with the whole ordeal. Ben remained mad at TPlan for most the night for fear of what I might say seeing as the cauliflower boutonniere would be featured in almost every picture we have. I guess you could say I was not surprised and knew what I was marrying into....friends included. I have to admit it was pretty funny. Look close at the pictures....hard to tell but yes Ben is rocking a vegetable. Please look close at the pic is totally a vegetable.......

Oh course let's not forget that I couldn't find Ben for about 1 hour. I finally find him nestled up to the bar ripping shots with my college friends. The hotel had a no shot policy, however, Ben and his charming self convinced the bartender to allow it. I was shocked, but was totally game, and got on board with the shot taking right away. I danced all night long and was sad to see the night end.

Our wedding was the single happiest day of our lives. It was so much fun. It was the last time that everyone we cared about was together and Ben was healthy, and handsome, and all mine.

To say I miss you would be saying it lightly. I recently had someone come into my life. She is an inspiration and has given me direction again. She has made me understand that the blog has value and I plan to keep writing. I love you Buddy. Happy Anniversary where ever you are.


  1. Cant believe how good that Cauliflower looked, it was spot on with the white flower we replaced. The Ultimate success was B yelling Cauliflower, cuz he didn't want to be felt out on the joke.. LOL CLASSIC.. Miss that guy!

    Hope this are getting easier Lmuttz, we love ya.

  2. Linds: Your wedding was the best wedding I've ever been to. I was so proud of both of you. It was so much fun. I second Nasa's comments about the cauliflower caper. Stay strong. Know that he missed you as much as you missed him.
