So last week as some of you know, B missed out on Chemo. This came as a pretty big surprise to both B and I. We found out after the weekly blood work, that B's blood counts were too low to undergo Chemo. I actua

lly was working and only came to find out about this when I noticed that I had 3 missed calls from my hubby. Not to mention one call came from Casa De Muttz. I knew it was either B or some burgler was pulling the biggest fast one and was calling me at work to report that he just packed up our flat screen TV as well as our prize possessions, Bear and Jetta. B was pretty shook up and I decided to take and early lunch and come home to spend some time with B and D Bone. Poor D Done drove all the way in from the D only to find out that B was not having Chemo. We ended up playing cards and hanging out before I headed back to work. B was just worried that his counts were low as a result of the disease. It took quite a bit of reassuring that it was in fact the chemo and not the cancer causing the low blood counts. Not to mention that we both have to prepare a week in advance for chemo, so to not have Chemo really threw a wrench in our schedules.......grrrr. I guess however this would explain why B has been so so so tired. I mean at this point I could tell B that I bought a Louis Vuitton Bag and acutally tell him without him me I haven't done it, but food for thought.
On top of that B has be

en feeling really bad again. His pain levels are back where they were. So here is the ugly truth. Things are not great here at the Muttz house, so no more faking like they are. We have had some really really hard weeks. B's pain is paralyzing and brings tears to his eyes. How heartbreaking.....loud sigh. He can't get comfortable...not on the couch, or in the chair, or in the bed, or in the car....he is NEVER comfortable. I have no idea how he teaches, but he throws on his back pack and strolls into class every week and never lets on to his students how much he is hurting. I actually had a heart to heart with B about being honest with everyone about how he feels. No more faking the truth is out.

We also went home this past weekend for the Jewish Holidays. We were able to see family and friends that haven't seen B in some time. We had our annual breaking of the fast with the Schneider family at Tam, and as usual it was awesome. However B would say "who gets just the salad bar after fasting all day? That is not normal for anyone but L." I am here to tell you that this salad bar is what dreams are made of, and I can't help myself. I love me some salad, and so I went back for more...what can I say, I am a rabbit. And then we stopped by Auntie E's to see the Resnick Family and to watch the MSU game, and what a game it was. I know that everyone fasted this year for B and for his health.
And now we are onto the almighty scan. B has had such bad and debilitating pa

in that they are scanning B tomorrow when he is at the cancer center. And we will find out tomorrow where we are at cancer wise. Chemo is scheduled for tomorrow as long as his counts are up, and then he will be off to get a CAT scan, and then back up to the 3rd floor to wrap up the Chemo for the day. B is convinced that he will not have chemo tomorrow because he believes his counts will still be too low....let's hope they aren't! Both B and I are worried. With B feeling so bad we are so scared...actually worried does not even begin to describe how we feel. I can only hope that all of you never have to experience this. This is what I would describe as hell on earth. So please pray for Team Muttz. I am sorry for being dramatic but this is the truth...take it or leave it!
Finally I would like to give a shout out to my cousin who is competing in Art Prize this week. Her painting, as funny as it is, is that of cancer cells. Her painting is in the Plaza Towers on Fulton St. so check it out. Mandy Presley......and she had the idea before B's diagnosis.
L is an absolute rock! I can't thank her enough, and for all of you who have shared your prayers and feelings with her, I can't thank you enough, either. She is as strong as she is because of you, and we need all the strength we can get right now. So, thank you for supporting her and keeping her strong...your shoulders are the one's we are leaning on. L, I love you and know we can get through this together...stay strong for me, and you know I will for you! I love you! -B
ReplyDeleteThanks for being brave enough to give it to us straight, L. B is right on with his comment. Together you guys will beat this. We'll keep you up if you keep him up.
ReplyDeleteTime to rally. You can do it, B. We're pulling and praying hard for a chemo session tomorrow and a good scan. We got this.
Bmuttz: Your words to your sweetie kind of choked me up a little. I'm not going to lie. It just reminds me that you two are in this together. Always have been. With that said, you two are as strong as can be, even when the cell counts are low. This battle has been tougher than you guys probably expected, but I know one thing, you two are up for the challenge. I never doubted that. Keep up the good attitude. Remember, friends are only an e-mail, phone call or text away when you want to talk, vent, whatever. We're here for you.
ReplyDeleteHope everything comes up well tomorrow. You two will make it through this, you have lots of love for each other and from everyone else around you. Keeping you in my thoughts and def said an xtra prayer for team muttz on Yom Kippur.
Ben and Lindsay, both of you are true inspiration for everyone that surrounds you! Your love for eachother is very evident and your strength over the past 9 months is absolutely amazing. Phil and I think about you all the time and only hope and pray that soon good news will be coming your way. We love you guys and will always hold you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hey Muttz's, Thanks for letting us know how hard it really is, I know it can't be fun to dish out bad news. Keep your mental strong and focused I feel the turn around coming.
ReplyDeleteWow, a lot to digest as the brutal honesty helps for all of us out here that may seem far away but are always near in thought, prayers, prayers and did I say, more prayers? The setbacks (chemo) must be hard (as nobody can possibly understand) but there will be days that are promising, where there is relief and comfort. Steps forward and some back, up and's path...can be eratic. Keep reaching out because love conquers all things. Love you both...always keeping you near in prayer for strength, courage, peace, comfort, help with the pain and rest for both of you. Love you both, always. Aunt Lisa, Uncle Phil, Brooke and Nash. If you have needs (as you must be exhausted), let folks help, but, always on your terms (it's about whatever you two need or don't want or need)... music, listening, calls, audio books, food, games, anything that comes to mind (you want it, we'll bring it, send it, sing it, buy it, fix it,,,'we got your back')... Galatians 5:13 "Serve one another in love". That's what it's all about; the real deal. We are here for y'all.
ReplyDeleteDear Ben and Lindsay,
ReplyDeleteIt was such a blessing spending time with the both of you. Thank you, for making the sacrifice, we know that Ben was in a lot of pain but never let on. It is truly amazing the resilient spirit that you both possess. We love you both, Uncle Steve and Aunt Julie
Dear Ben and Lindsay,
ReplyDeleteI read your post weekly and keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Dan also keeps me informed.Sounds like you all had some quality time together in Aug. What a special group of friends you are for each other.
From what I read you two are an amazing couple and have a very special love.