Recently, we've gotten word that our audience was jonesin' for some updates...our apologies for slacking the last couple weeks. We didn't know there was such a demand, plus we have been kind of busy, so that has to count for something, right?!?
Without further ado, here's what's been crackin'. Since the treatment a couple weeks ago, we've been in pretty good moods. Last time was the 1st time we actually felt like we got 'good' news, so we've kinda just been living on those words. The Dr's and nurses and family I've seen have all been impressed with the amount of hair I have. Yes folks, it's growing back and I haven't been to the barber, or as DBone calls it - 'The Beauty Shop', or as the late, great Big Ern called it, 'The Ugly Shop', or whatever other name you might have for it, since my locks started to re-sprout.
I actually am

kinda digging where it is's like a nice mix between Army crew and laid-back-preppy-Jim. Yeah, that's it....Don't Ask Don't Tell + Hormone Laden High School Student = a nice BMuttz 'do!

The only weird thing about the rest of the hair on my body, is that it really isn't 'mine', so to speak. I used to have curly hair, like arms and legs and chest...and it was mostly blond (or in the case of my beard, kinda multi-colored). Today, I sport a fine look of what I like to call 'Mediterranean Chic.' Straight, BLACK, soft hair. It's fine because it's just not mine. Simple observation, that's all....and from everything we've been told, this will all grow out and my real man-layer will return after the drug explosion sessions are over (GOAL: December).
Besides the hair changes, there have been some other developments in t

he last couple weeks. I said we've been busy, and that's the truth! After chemo last time, I really got started on the job prep. I had a lot of orientations and sessions to sit through (and stay awake for), not to mention power point presentations to prepare (those things are such a pain - but they can be fun if you seriously mess with the animations and colors and SOUNDS and don't mind making fun of yourself in front of 25 college juniors) and readings to get through!
So, work was officially underway, even though class didn't start until just this past Monday. Nonetheless, the thought of rest was becoming more and more a priority - and L has never been one to argue that point ;) Coming home from work, getting into comfy pants and sleeping through dinner is her dream date - and I'm glad I finally get to go on those dates with her!!
We actually were in The D a couple weekends ago with some Tiger tickets, and decided the day of that we were just too tired to hit the game, so we drove down to Comerica, found a gentleman who was slightly larger than us - combined x 2 - and sold the tickets for face. Fine with us...just meant we got to lie around DBone's for an extra couple hours before heading home.
This past weekend was full of some serious highlights!! For the last month or two, there have been plans in action for my college friends to come out here and just hang out for a weekend. No bachelor party, no wedding, no births, no over-the-hill blowout birthday parties, no real culminating event to celebrate - it was seriously just a weekend to hang out with the guys I went to school with and don't get to see nearly enough - whether it's because we live 2,000 miles apart, have opposite schedules, or just haven't coordinated well enough in the past.

As I hinted, this past weekend it all came together. Although it was much more than I was expecting, as is usually the case with this crew, I seemed to be the only one in the dark on some serious issues. As I went to get Space Research Team Member #1 at the airport on Friday morning, he seemed to be seriously confused as to which door the car was parked at; this might seem normal at
your local airport. Let me remind you, however, that GRR has 5 gates and 2 baggage return thingies (or thereabouts), so confusion at that place is harder to find than in Chapter 17 of your local Calculus textbook. WAIT WAIT WAIT - his confusion was justified! As I saw him coming from the opposite end, I NEVER saw Space Research Team Member #2 approach the car from the door the car was parked right in front of. Holy crap, that was awesome to see both of these guys - and Member #2, all I can say is how amazing he looks! This cat has really taken my health situation seriously, and has literally
CHANGED his entire life. We're not just talking pounds he's lost, but habits he's dropped, habits he's added, decisions he makes - it was amazing to see him without some of the weight he carried, but it was even better seeing how serious he took my situation and applied it to his life. Mad props SRTM #2, and thanks for making it out here this weekend!!
But wait, there's more! Since these Cali-cats arrived before 11 on Friday morning, we had plenty of time to kill before the Vegasnator arrived that afternoon. So, we headed home to drop off the guard dog, and went up to Real Food Cafe, aka the world's freaking greatest (or one of) overlooked breakfast spots that has a menu longer than the Bible, and that's full with ONLY quality dishes - including the Breakfast Monte Cristo, which is a fried egg sandwich with cheese and bacon, stuffed wonderfully between 2 pieces of TEXAS CINNAMON FRENCH TOAST!!!!!

Yeah, that good! But, before we even got in the door at RFC, I was greeted by another college buddy - one I haven't seen in probably 7 years! He arranged with SRTM #1 a visit, and was lying in wait as we approached the restaurant. So, 2 dudes I never thought I would be seeing this weekend were now in GR before 11am on Friday morning - what else was in store?!?!!
Well, L had a half day, so she got home after we had brunch and the festivities rightfully began then. A serious Costco visit, another airport visit to get Kid Vegas and we were ready for festivities! I have to admit, for as much hype and man-love and excitement we shared this weekend, it really was all in pretty good control and not too extreme. We had some lawn games going continually (washers, bags/cornhole, bocce), as well as, 2 grills going almost throughout the entire weekend,

too! In fact, when surprise guest #2 left on Saturday morning, we raided RFC again and then spent about 20 minutes in the Hardware Store across the street so we could build our own Washers game. With some great help from the clerk and, of course, SRTM #1, we had all the fixings to put together a quality set. And did we now Case de Muttz has a legit set of our own!
Friday night, L and I had a serious decision to make. We had been talking about booking a vacation in January because, honestly, WE FRIGGIN NEED ONE!! Turns out, about a month back we got an email from Carnival about some cruises and discounts and blah blah blah. Well, this week I got another email about a 72 hour sale that ended Friday night. So, do we or don't

we?!? WE DID!! New Year's Day (don't worry football fans - boat leaves at 4, which gives me plenty of time to find our room and watch the Rose Bowl before celebrating our time in Jamaica and the Caymen Islands), we leave from Miami for 5 nights of boat-freedom! Plus, the BCS games will be on at night...which just so happens to be the time the sun is down and pool time will be over. Really, it's a perfect plan!! January, I'll be lookin' for ya ;)
The weekend continued, knowing we have a great trip to look forward to in 4 short months, just as it started. Saturday we did some more grilling - courtesy mostly of SRTM's #1 and 2, and their championship techniques - and lawn games and bathroom visits. Not to mention some fuse blowouts, DVD issues, outlet explosions and other unexpected events - all of which have been rectified - for the better, I think?!?
Sunday, unfortunately we were met with some extreme heat - and really, I think we were all just kind of worn out from the excess of lawn games and food! So, we spent most of the day inside....but that was fine with everyone. It made for a good movie/TV day and some real just 'chill' time with my buddies. Perfect day, really! As the crew began to wear off, it was nice to

know that we had just spent a whole weekend together because my boys wanted to see me - if my health played a part in it, then it was worth it! Thank you guys, it was awesome to see all of you - P to the Didd, The APlan Man/aka Jakey Brown Eyes, SRTM #1 and 2, Hopeful Holt PoPo, Liberious Rex, The Plainwell Crew - glad everyone could make it for a bit :)
Last but not least, school started this week. So far so good, although we haven't had a 'real' class yet. Regardless, I've met the students and have started to get into a regular schedule - kind of hard since next week we have Labor Day and the day after off, but you get the point. Today was a chemo day, and DBone came up to keep some company. It was nice to have her there, and the box of bakery cookies she came with, too - moms and aunts always know how to hit the heart (Auntie R shared the same gift a couple weeks ago, too, so I have to get that shout-out in here, too). You guys are great, and thanks for all the healing goodies!!
As for today - Dr. #4 still thinks things are looking good - like I said, I look normal, still have that

gigantic appetite (thank you Decadron - and Woody's Cone Stop on 28th st), and even my arm/chest/neck/rib thing is starting to feel a bit better (kind of, but that's better than 2 weeks ago - hoping for more progress this time in 2 weeks). So, we'll leave it there for now - feeling fine, doing fine. Thanks for checking in and sorry for the delay. As the semester goes on, we'll update as much as possible - I promise!!