So when I last updated, B was still residing on 5 south, however I am happy to report that he checked out of the 5 south dream tower and is resting comfortably back here at Casa de Muttz. He checked out of the hospital on Thursday, and is doing much much much better. The pain seems to be in check and Dr. # 12 promised to touch base with us again on Monday to make sure that we were on the right track....the track to a pain free life. It is incomprehensible to think how long B has been living in pain, but it has been almost 7 months. 7 months of gut retching, back twisting, eye bulging PAIN, and I can honestly say that he is close to slamming that book closed, hopefully forever.
We had a pretty busy weekend, however we knew better then to press our luck....no whammy, no whammy, no whammy, stop.

And on Saturday we headed North for my youngest niece's birthday party. It was a great time and just seeing the girls brightened both our day.

So Tuesday has come and gone, and so far so good. Do I dare say that Dr. # 4 and the staff have finally figured out the right concoction of meds and chemo drugs. For the first time EVER B seems to be handling the chemo with true grace. He isn't nauseous, he doesn't have hiccups, and has an appetite. The only noticeable side affect is that B is pretty tired. But let me say on the record, I will take tired over vomiting any day of the week. Finally a tolerable Chemo week. And this comes at the perfect time since B and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary this weekend.
We are looking forward to a nice, relaxing, and well deserved weekend getaway. So happy early anniversary to B and I, with many many many more to come.
I think everyone who reads this will exhale a collective sigh of relief. It's been really hard for Jake and I to know B was in constant pain. Thank God for Doc #12 aka The Angel as I see you've dubbed him. It makes me angry to know he had to wait seven months for him, but it's better than going one more day than you did.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be toasting your special day on Sunday and remembering the beautiful time it was. What a great anniversary gift for you two to have B pain-free. So happy for you two. Happy early anniversary!!!
This post just made my month. Really happy for you two. Keep enjoying the little things, because more than most, you two truly know what it means to appreciate them. Big things are on the horizon. Happy anniversary.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary guys, year one was boot camp, I think your initiated now. Year two is sure to be happier and healthier.
ReplyDeleteMuch love.
Happy Anniversary!! I pray for the two of you every day. This new post is a day brightener!! Ben, congrats on the new full time position at GVSU.
ReplyDeleteHang on to each other.