To say that I hate November is not being honest. I more than hate November. For many reasons, the past few weeks have been extremely hard. I guess for me, I have not been true to myself, or others about my feelings. Actually some of my closest friends know of my struggles, but for the most part, I have become really good at disguising my emotions.
So rewind to Halloween......Halloween 2011 was so different. It was the first year in 6 that I didn't have Ben by my side. Ben loved Halloween. As a matter of fact, I received several texts from my friends this weekend mentioning how much they were thinking about Ben and I during Halloween. Right from the start of our relationship Ben made Halloween a true event. We did it up right! We always went as a couple...Mario and Luigi, Kelly and Zack, Stephi Graph and Andre
i 1980's circuit, Pam Anderson and Kid Rock, Golfers, and then of course nothing last year since he was hospitalized. This was the first year that I was faced to dress up as a single individual. Ben was the creative one so I felt lost. I ended up being a bee. Let's "bee" honest, it was not my best effort. I bought a prepackaged costume from Halloween USA. It was super cute, but to not go to Goodwill or to work for endless hours crafting an original outfit felt odd. I cried the entire weekend, but pulled myself together just in time to go out for a bit with some of my newest friends. I ended up having a great time, and the Queen Bee, ended up finding 6 male worker bees at the BOB, and one worker bee was pretty cute.....wink wink. I owe it to Carrie for taking me under her wing, and showing me what it's like to live again.
Last year, Ben wanted nothing more than to be home in time to hand out candy to the neigh
borhood trick or
treaters. l told him that he should make it his goal to be well enough to be home by then. I'm a fool right? He made me buy pumpkins with the hope that we would carve them the night before Halloween. The pumpkins ended up being the ultimate symbol. I purchased them at the
Schwallier's Country Basket. This was a trip that I went on alone with the entire
Homrich family. Ben didn't come because he wasn't feeling well. Little did we know that he was really sick, and only one month away from dying. I had a really stressful day at the farm, because all I could think about was Ben, sitting alone in our basement having a pain attack with me 30 minutes away. It was more than I could handle. And then of course we got lost in the corn maze and I started to cry because I had been gone to long from Ben already and I needed to get home.
The pumpkins remained untouched,
uncarved. They sat by the back door of our Alger home until Mar

ch, frozen solid. The pumpkins represented everything in my life at that time. I too was frozen in time, with a hallow heart, hoping to go unnoticed just as the pumpkins did for nearly six months. I am still confused on what really happened...I mean did Ben really pass away? I have been on a recent kick of watching scary movies. People think I am nuts for watching them alone. But truth be told, nothing can be scarier than watching your husband slip away. At night, I hear my own screams, I see my mother-in-law running around the hospice room, I see Ben in his bed....I see it all. A personal horror movie that plays over and over and over again. The Grudge has nothing on this. I can't make this reel stop from playing.

Recently I have been blessed with the ability to let people in and out of my life without much effect. I look at things objectively and consider each person's purpose. I guess without Ben's illness I would have never met so many great, and honest people. I have learned through this struggle who my true friends are, and who really cares about me. I have found friends down many different paths. I am social, always have been, always will be.
Nanc says I started talking at two, full sentences, and never stopped. I love watching my friendships blossom, and am so thankful that so many kind people have let me into their lives. I know that I have baggage, but it's not something I choose for myself. This is the card I have been dealt, so take it or leave it. And if you can't handle it, get the hell out. I just keep moving...doing what I can, with what I have. The next few weeks present difficult challenges. Ben's best friend in the entire world is getting married. Ben was so upset that he was going to miss
TPlan's wedding, and then of course Thanksgiving, and then the anniversary of his death....marking ONE YEAR. One whole, freaking Unbelievable how much life changes in a year, in a month, in a day, in a second, in a breath. Ben said it best, "Do what you can, while you can, because you never know when you won't be able to the do the things you love."
Be strong, Lindsay. Easier said than done, but you have to will your way though it. It's going to be tough not to have my best friend physically there for my wedding. But we both know he's going to be there. And you know what, every time I'm going to want to break down, and I might, I'll think Ben would call me a pansy and the last thing he would want is for me to shed tears over him. That makes me feel stronger. Another thing, in this crappy month that you'll have to experience, there will be happiness. Ben will be smiling above me during my wedding, and I'm going to feel his happiness. I know you will too. He'll be smiling above you during Thanksgiving and even during his one-year anniversary because he knows you are stronger than you were last year.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you have become really good at disguising your true emotions, Linds. I understand that now more than ever, as I live it too. It's okay to not always be strong. You are doing such a great job while you try to pick up the pieces -the fact that you get out of bed each day is proof of that. You are being strong the majority of the time - you are being strong when you get dressed, go to work, put on a smile, and try to go on with your life. So, when you don't feel like being strong and you don't feel like putting on a smile...that is okay. Let yourself have those moments when you need to.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of you all the time and love you friend!
Keep on running Lindsay---do what you love. People will come in and out of your life---some will always be there and some are there for a brief moment. Some care and others don't and most will never know this pain. Those that do will help----As a friend said :those that you think will be there to help you won't be but God will send special people to help. All these memories are tough right now, Art Prize, Nick's birthday, Swallier Farm. We all pretended everything was fine but we knew it wasn't. It's all very difficult to grasp. Dad and I Nick & Megs & Mike love you very much and don't forget you are Kensley's only Godmother. Peace. Love Mom
ReplyDeleteI have been reading every posting on your blog. Lindsay you inspire me. There are so many times i wanted to write something but coud never find the right words to say. Not many peope find the true love that you and Ben had. Life has so many different twist and you are one of the stongest persons I have ever met. I am so glad that I know you and that you are not only Kenseys Aunt but also her Godmother. I think so much of you and your family. I am so glad you are in my grandaughters life. Please keep the blog going you should write a book, I cry when I read it but I aways smile through my tears cause you are a great writer and you truly have shared a wonderful love story. Thank you, Cathy R