Dearest Ben,
I feel so stalled out. It is almost hard to explain. Never in my life have I been this tired. I guess I could attribute this to depression and lack of sleep. It is so hard at night to settle down. It is not that I try to forget you, because I don't, but the only way to get through the day is to act like my life is the same as it always was. However the minute I let my mind relax and actually think about my profound loss do I feel like I'm in a free fall. Every time I realize that you are gone, that you are dead, feels like the first time all over again. Every time I say out loud "Ben is gone" I bend over, and find that I am short of breath. My heart rate immediately skyrockets, and I burst into tears. This is something that happens every single time I tell myself you are gone.
I guess you could say that I feel the same as a 5 year old kid feels the night they learn they are going to Disney. It is the adrenale that keeps them awake, and it is the negative adrealanie that keeps me awake. I literally lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, hoping that I fall asleep in time to get some sleep before work. I wake up in a haze, with absolutely no concept of day or time. Most mornings, I turn off the alarm thinking it's Saturday. Why would I do that? I used to be a morning person, but each day it becomes harder and harder to pull myself out from under the covers....damn it! I am frickin ashamed! I don't know if its the antipication of what lurks around the corner....ie my 30th b-day or our anniversary, but I have been super emotional. I have felt your loss so much.
Someone I just met the other night asked me if I was really ready to get married when I did. He asked me how I knew if you were the one? I thought long and hard before I answered this question. What he helped me realize was that you were the one. You were the best I could ever do. You were so damn good looking...seriously, not to mention smart, athletic, funny, competitive, and a lawyer. I really don't think I could have done much better. Girls loved you! All of them, and you picked me. Little old Linds....how did I get so lucky? You must have been drunk when you bought the ring....just kidding B. I can hear you say...."Lindsay you don't give yourself enough credit....do you actually think I would marry an ugly biotch? Haha not a chance L!" You made me feel special and pretty. You told me every day that I was pretty....a pretty pie to be exact.

It ended up being on

I'll never forget stopping at the Butt Hut either. I was convinced it was a strip club, and Ben played along. However it was a tobacco shop, phew what a relief. We stopped there for a few pops and cigs for a the few in the group who smoked pre-ben caner diagnosis. I was so upset I stayed in the car and almost cried, only to realize I was totally off the mark. Ben laughed his ass off.....
I am so gullible!

Ben was always full of surprises. He pushed me to be a better person. He made me more confident, and more assertive. I feel I have lost some of this confidence in his absence. I feel I have so much more to live up to now that he is gone. I just signed up to run the GR marathon. I owe this to Ben and I, and when I'm ready, I'll share the story behind this decision.
For now, just know that I think about you always,
Forever yours,
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you wrote about this tonight. I was unpacking boxes this afternoon and found a pack of pictures...opened it up and they were from that exact trip. I was laughing over pictures of Ben's Jewhawk, and I have a great pic of him standing in front of the Butt Hut. I can't believe we both were reminiscing about this today. It makes me think Ben made it happen somehow. I set the pics aside to bring with me when I come up if you want. I miss him so much...but I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I love you, and don't ever feel ashamed about having trouble getting out of bed, or anything you are going through right now.
That weekend was so perfect! There are so many more stories to share about that weekend, but the blog was getting to long. I remember getting lost on the way back and the drunk man walking into the road in front of may car...oh what a night! Good times, my friends, good times.
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your good memories of Ben and the cherished time that you had with him! You two truly made great memories in the time that you had. : )
Love you,
Tony and I had a B cry last night. This came after I told him last weekend that, from now on, no more tears over Ben, just good memories and celebration of his life. I can't help it. He gets to talking about their memories and it makes me so sad that he doesn't have him anymore. And then we start thinking about you and, well, it's a tear fest.
ReplyDeleteEverything you're going through is completely normal, L. Just try and incorporate some kind of happiness into each day.
We're thinking of you,