Hello, my name is John Lipford. Ben was one of my dearest friends. I would like to share the following words with you as we gather to celebrate his life. First, I would like to extend my most sincere sympathy to Lindsay (Ben’s wife) and Dianne (Ben’s mother); the women who molded Ben into a man of true character and stood steadfast beside him until he was carried to the shelter of the Lord.
I offer my most heartfelt condolences to Lindsay’s parents, Nancy and Don Homrich, who provided constant care and support during Ben’s time of need, as if he was their own son. I express my deepest empathy for Ben and Lindsay’s immediate family members and closest friends, who witnessed and nurtured Ben and Lindsay’s undying love during the good times and the not so good times.
Finally, I am most gracious to every one here today, in mind and spirit, for being an integral part of today’s service. We all offer our hearts up for Ben and pray he have a remarkable journey until we are able to join him.
If I may speak on Ben’s behalf, he would especially thank all of you who sent him chocolate covered strawberries, cookies, donuts, pies, chocolates, and other candy, during the past year. From the many people gathered here today, it is apparent Ben was exactly who I first thought he was when I first met him. Loved by many, particularly because of his compassion, humor, and strength.
Many of you knew Ben before I had the pleasure to, and I am sure many memories of Ben and stories close to your heart have been flowing like a river in recent days and will continue to do so forever.Ben and I first met in 2003 during our first year of law school at Michigan State. In fact, Ben and I sat next to each other in one of our first classes. Little was I to know that over the next 7 years I would become especially impressed with his commitment to love, athletics, education, and work. Little was I to know that we and our wives would become best friends, that we would live within minutes of each other, that we would have some great times with all of the mutual friends we all made along the way. Little was I to know that I would lose my friend too soon.
However, the struggles I, and all of you endure today, are eclipsed by the love Ben had for his family, friends and, especially, Lindsay. In Ben and Lindsay’s first year of marriage, they endured more challenges than most couples who have been, or will be, married for decades. Yet, their love always was constant, strong, unrelenting. I read Ben and Lindsay’s whole blog last night. I was engulfed for hours with a rainbow of emotions, but, the underlying theme, was that Ben and Lindsay were, and will always be, soulmates.
Lindsay once wrote “Ben shows what it's like to keep on with life and to laugh at even the toughest times, especially when all you ‘really want to do is pull a blanket over your head and cry’ Every day together is a blessing and I am thankful to be able to help Ben.”
In describing his enduring love for Lindsay, Ben said, “when we vowed to love each other "in sickness and in health", we never could have imagined this was around the corner. I never could have imagined anyone more perfect to help me deal with all of this. Lindsay always comes home with a smile on her face. . . . She has been strong through everything we've dealt with, and I couldn't be more appreciative. I love you, Lindsay”
Through Ben’s fight, he and Lindsay were a testament to the fact that Life is about love and, really, only love. Love for each other, love for family, love for friends, love for the earth. Ben and Lindsay’s love has transcended millions of miles of this earth as evidenced by all of you here today and the countless number of kind words of support and sympathy which have been offered to them over the past year by family, close friends, distant friends, students and even some complete strangers.
I share with you that, in describing his love for all of you (as well as those who may not have been able to be with us today), Ben wrote “I appreciate everyone's support, it's been nice hearing from so many people I lost contact with. I know at some point we entered each other's lives for one reason or another, and I'm glad you appreciate that reason and re-connected with me, even if it's been awhile, or continue to be an instrumental part of my life” “Your wishes, support, advise, strength, stories and love help make each day enjoyable.
I'm not the type of person who sits and thinks about the disease I have or talks about it regularly. But it's nice to know that there is a group of you out there that I can come to when I do have something to say”.
Ben wrote in his first blog entry that “with the support of all of you, and Lindsay, and the love everyone I haven't spoken to in years has passed on, we are all certain I will beat this.”
Now, Ben may not have been able to conquer cancer (a foe which takes many of our loved ones from their life on earth), but he endured it with a true valor, an attitude which reflected his soul would never be held captive because of his illness. No. Ben…. put up a remarkable fight, ……unrivaled by any challenge which I, …….and I am sure many of you, …..have ever seen. I tried and tried to find a quote for Ben, Lindsay, his family and loved ones to provide some comfort. One which stuck out was, Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality. ~Emily Dickinson
However, why we are here, is to simply say “I love you Ben” and “We got this”!
Ben was an amazing person. Although life goes on, it will never be the same without him. I miss him already, but take solace in knowing that he's in a much better place where there is no pain. I'll cherish every memory, even though he's gone, those live on forever.
ReplyDeleteI too am seeing life through a bit of a veil, the deacon really hit the nail on the head with that one.
ReplyDeleteStay Strong Lindsay, lets get through this together.
We are here for you!!!!
Oh, Lindsay. The thought of Bear staring out the window really drove it home for me. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, sweetie.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that Ben is with you every step of the way, though. I think the other night at the bar made that clear. There we were at a sports bar on the night of his funeral, where people are watching basketball games and playing pool, when your wedding song comes on?! C'mon. I know it was hard as hell, but, as Tony said, it was Ben talking to you.
I've been looking at your pics on Facebook and, man, SO MANY of just the two of you with huge smiles. Although it was short, no one can say he didn't LIVE life. And you put the light in that life.
I hope those memories bring you peace somehow. You were such a warrior through his fight, Lindsay. Tony told me what he saw in just two days, a mere sliver of time in the battle, and it blew me away. Just like you stood by him through his fight, we'll stand by you through this one, "adjusting to life without Ben."
We're thinking of you constantly and want to he here for you, however we possibly can.
Peace be with you,
P.S. Here's the direct link to Tony's post about Ben.
Thinking and praying for you in this very difficult time. Thank you for sharing your story with us for the past year. Your strength and courage were truly inspiring.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Ben's blog is finished, if you need an outlet, we are here to listen when you are ready to write again.
May you and Ben both find peace.
My dearest and brave Lindsay, I have never encounter a love that you and Ben had/have. His memory will be forever graced by strength, love, and endurance. You are such an incredible woman, I don't know anyone that could have gone the mile like you have. Peace be with you, I am so grateful I got to know you...and look forward to keeping our friendship strong. Love Jan
ReplyDeleteDearest Lindsay,
ReplyDeleteFor the last two days I read the blog again, soaking in each and every word. I am truly moved by your love for one another. I know there is nothing I can say to help at all. I think about you all the time. The short amount of time we hung out in Chicago was so much fun and we are so blessed to have known Ben and of course know you. One perfect example of what an amazing person you are is in the beginning of October, you wrote on FB to me congratulating us on our baby. During all of that turmoil and going through the extreme pain while at the hospital, you were kind enough to say congrats and think about us. Greg texted Ben a few months ago and he asked about us, he didn't let on he was sick at all. You two are a model to all. I am sending prayers and good thoughts your way all day everyday. Love, Jess, Greg and Lou
I only knew Benny briefly through my roommates in Chicago who played softball with him. I did have the honor of hanging out with him on a couple of occassions. He was extremely welcoming and accepting to me. He immediately treated me like we'd been boys forever. I'll never forget the time Benny, my roommate, and myself went to play golf one day. We played 18, put our clubs and gear in the car and retreated to the clubhouse for a couple beers. We were sitting on the porch for about 10 minutes talking about the round when we realized we had to get back out there. On a whim we just grabbed our clubs and snuck in another 9 before dusk. It was a great impulse decision and one of the best days of the summer that year. Thanks for that day Benny, I'll always remember it. You are a great man, and I'm glad we got to hang out those few times.
I want to thank all of you out there who has shared our journey from the beginning and to those of you who just re-connected with Ben and Lindsay along the way. Thank you for all of your heartfelt messages and your great outpouring of love and kindness and support for my "kids". I already miss Ben in ways that you cannot imagine and I would not be able to manage thusfar if it wasn't for my family, friends of all of ours and especially Lindsay and Michael.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is broke but I take strength from knowing that Ben is reading all of your comments and know how much you love Ben in your own ways.
What a tribute this has been to Ben from day one of his illness and he knew everyone had his back!
We will never be the same but I have gained a daughter which I did from the first day I met Lindsay and I will gain strength from all of you who will never forget Ben and will hold him in your hearts every day.
Dearest Lindsay,
ReplyDeleteI have been checking this blog every day, not really expecting a posting but just checking. I guess it was just a habit to check in to see how you both were doing. My heart is broken for you, Dianne, Michael and for all of the people who knew Ben, if you knew him you loved him. Now we know you and to know you is to love you. We still pray every day, for you, Dianne and Michael. You are all always in our thoughts, Uncle Steve and Aunt Julie
Lindsay, I, like Aunt Julie keep checking the blog from time-to-time. I also don't know what I am expecting to see. I guess I just want to make sure that you are doing as well as can be expected. I think about you and Benjamin's family all the time.