B and I fi

Unfortunately in 2005, B and his family suffered the loss of his Stepdad, and for whatever reason late one July night I received an interesting phone call from a very drunk friend.....guess who? B said that he had been thinking of me lately and was wondering if he could come and visit me in Grand Rapids. I had just graduated from Northwestern, and by this time B was in his third year of Law School. I couldn't see the harm in seeing him so we made official plans and B came to see me in GR. I remember the first visit like it was yesterday.
Megs, Nick, and I were all living together in the Tremont house and we had decided to have some friends over and to head to downtown GR. We started the night like we started many nights in those days, with a few beers, a round of shots, and a ride to the bar, courtesy of Megs and Mike. It was really a great night and B and I picked up where we left off. The only change, was that by now, both he and I were single. What started as a visit to GR every other week, quickly turned into a very serious romance. I knew that B was the one, and I only hoped that he too felt this way. Within months of dating, B said the words every woman longs to hear....."I Love You Lindsay." My heart swelled with joy and I just knew that fate had finally stepped in.

C and D are B's first cousins. They are both known to be tough cookies, but for me it was easy. I immediately fell in love with both of them. I just wanted to spend more and more time with them, and they quickly became some of my best friends. Chicago was easy with them by my side. If I needed to find a great club I called D and if I need to find a great restaurant I called C. On top of that C's husband was born and raised there so he too was a great resource during our time in Chicago. Additionally C has two beautiful little girls, and B and I were there to see them grow up.
B and I's love grew and blossomed in Chicago. We learned many tough lessons but we learned them together. Chicago holds so many memories for us. Chicago is where we got Bear, where we purchased our first home, and where we got engaged. It is the place where B did the things he enjoyed most in life, sports. It is through the softball leagues and golf that B and I also met some truly special people. Chicago will always mean something to B and I.

I move back to Michigan a few months before B. I do my best to lay the ground work in Michigan so that when B moves, everything is in place. I find us our rental home, I arrange for a move in date, and I patiently wait for my loving husband to arrive. Moving back to Michigan was easy. Both B and I are from Michigan and we both have friends and family very close. The transition was seamless. I landed a great job at OAM and B, a full time teaching position at Grand Valley. Things couldn't be better!
It is now January 2010 and B is complaining of a sports injury. I encourage him to see a Dr.......and you all know the story from here.
Unfortunately B passed away last night. B's fight against Cancer came to an official close. And it's not because he is quit, because he didn't, it's just the cancer was too strong and too advanced. We simply ran out of options.
It almost seems surreal to say he's gone. I went home tonight and it took my breath away. He is everywhere and in everything, it is hard to do much of anything. I am so scared and so lost. I guess I will be seeing him in my dreams. We all lost so much because he is and was a wonderful, loving, supportive, funny, handsome, kind, caring, compassionate, competitive, man. He is my heart, my best friend in life, my soul mate. He will be with us forever in spirit. So I guess you could say this is the end of the blog. We appreciate all the love, support, and prayers during this most difficult time.
B, B's family, Me, and my family don't intend to return phone call or emails at this time. We just don't want anyone to have hurt feeling, but listen this entire process has been exhausting. I just don't have the energy to talk about what's going on.
All of you that have had the pleasure of knowing B are truly blessed. B is special plain and simple! I will post funeral arrangements on the blog shortly as we are still working out the details.
Wow, Lindsay, I am so sorry. I don't really know you but I remember when you and Ben started dating. I knew Ben fairly well in high school. My heart goes out to you right now. Ben was an amazing person and he was lucky to have you in his life when he needed someone the most.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you and your entire family during this tremendously difficult time. May you feel the arms of the Lord wrapped around you today and each day to come.
Danielle DeWitt
My heartfelt prayers are with you and your family. May God put his loving arms around you and give you strength and comfort....
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Lindsay. You are in my prayers. I hope God is able to hold you through this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Lindsay.
ReplyDeleteLindsay my heart goes out to you. I cant put into words how sorry I am for your loss. Please find some comfort in our prayers. We will be thinking of you through this time.
Ben was my best friend in the world. I was blessed to have known him for 20 years. Really, we are all blessed because he touched our lives. There are billions of people in the world who never knew him. We were the lucky ones. When Ben died last night, the piece of my heart that is meant for best friends died with him. I can't begin to describe how much I'm going to miss him. 99 percent of my best memories are with him. But God had other plans and I know they will be special. I'm sorry that the last year of his life was consumed by this horrible disease. But my friend faught like a champ, he gave it everything he got. Cancer might have taken his physical body from us, but it never took his spirit. I know this first hand. Throughout the entire ordeal, Ben never complained to me once. He was truly amazing. Lindsay: Thank you so much for being the greatest wife in the world to him. You were with him when this ordeal started, and like the vows stated: You were with him in sickness and in health. You faught alongside with him, and were stronger than any of us ever could be. You two will meet up again. We're there for you.
ReplyDeleteRest in Peace, Ben.
I love you.
ReplyDeleteOur hearts are aching right now, as they have been through all of this. Like Tony said, you were the best, most giving, loving wife Ben could've ever asked for during your short marriage. You truly had a beautiful love story.
I feel lucky for having the honor of knowing the man that was your husband and my fiance's best friend.
We're both here for you, Lindsay, and ALWAYS will be.
love you Lindsday
ReplyDeleteSo, so very sorry for your loss. You have no idea how many people are, and have been, praying for you.
ReplyDeleteI am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I am praying for you and you will continue to be in my thoughts. Know that you have so many people who love and care about you, and that we are ALL here for you. I love you. Melissa Arsulowicz
May you be held by your sweet memories.
ReplyDeleteI send you much love even though I have never met you, I have been pulling for both of you.
I will continue to hold you in my heart.
I am unbelievably sorry for your loss. I am one of the many strangers that have been pulling and praying for you and Ben and I am deeply saddened to hear about his passing. Your love story is epic.
ReplyDeleteLindsay, you have our deepest condolences. Our family is sending many prayers and good thoughts your way. Truly, the Pat Fischer Family
ReplyDeleteI was in school with Ben through high school and was always drawn to his humor and dynamic personality. He is one of those people I never stayed in contact with but when I thought of him I hoped that he was truly happy and doing well. I've been following this journey on your blog and am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have B as a professor, but one of my friends did and she has posted links to your blog in a couple of her Facebook statuses. I'm so sorry for your loss. He sounded like a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing such a personal story. I'm inspired by your humor and optimism through the entire ordeal. I admire your strength. I only wish I had been honored enough to know B. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteLindsay, I am so sorry my thoughts are with you and I hope you can find some comfort soon. You are an amazing person in every sense of the word. I am truly blessed to have known Ben and shared many of my most precious memories with him.
Those of us who had the pleasure of knowing Ben are the luckiest people in the world. I know he is watching over us all, smiling, knowing that he has touched our lives in so many great ways. You fought a valiant fight, and had the two best allies in your mom and your wife to help you through your courageous battle. Just they were blessed to be part of your life, you were given an even bigger present by having them by your side.
ReplyDeleteYou will be missed, loved and remembered always
Lindsay, we are praying for you and your family- down here in Florida!! Praying for you to feel God's arms around you. I am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI knew Ben briefly through the years as he was my sister's friend from middle and high school. Lindsay, the way you candidly shared Ben's story through this year is unselfish and amazing. Ben has given me (and I speak for everyone I'm sure) the gift of an every day appreciation for health, life, family and friends. You were his soulmate, assigned to carry him through this war. There's nothing worse, but nothing better. Your loss goes without words and apologies aren't enough. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteLindsay, Tom and I are so saddened by your tremendous loss. We met Ben at the fundraiser and found him truly amazing and a picture of positivity. He was such a strong and courageous person but so lucky and fortunate to have you in his life and heart at this time -- life turns many corners and leads such different paths. It is not explainable why things go in the directions they do, but there is a reason. You are a gift to him, and he to you. Although short, you experienced true love. God Bless and know that we are praying for you.
ReplyDeleteDon't know what to say, Lindsay. You have been so incredibly brave through this ordeal. I can't imagine how you have done it. You are in our thoughts and prayers We want to help you, so use us!
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
Tom and Elaine Bertram
I am so sorry for your loss! I knew Ben n High School. He was such a great guy. I lost my little sister to cancer the year after we graduated. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Just know that there is a lot of people who have you in their thoughts and prayers..
ReplyDeleteHi Lindsey,
ReplyDeleteI was one of Professor Mutnick's students and I would just like to send my condolences. I am really sorry for your loss, he was an incredible person.
Brittney Benya
Though I did not know Ben, I came to know of the wonderful person that he was and of the beautiful relationship and love that the two of you have shared. May God provide you with comfort, courage, peace and direction to help you find the path forward.
ReplyDeleteI do not personally know you or Ben. I was introduced to your blog through one of my sorority sisters who is also one of Ben's cousins. I can't begin to imagine the exhaustion you must be feeling right now...the type of feelings where only silence will do. From your blog, I have learned that Ben is a charismatic person and you are the epitome of a loyal, dedicated partner. I myself lost my Mother-in-law to cancer in October, 2008. It is an ugly, ugly disease that has very little rhyme or reason. I wish for you happiness and peace moving forward, as hard as it can be to even think that moving forward at this moment is even possible. Again, I don't know you personally, but I am confident that you are a strong and graceful individual. You are in my thoughts and I am so very sorry for your loss.
My name is Blake Simons, and I am the president of Al Jolson AZA #317, a Jewish youth group in Metro-Detroit. Ben was a member of Jolson throughout high school, and he was the president in 1998-1999. Though I was never blessed with the opportunity to meet Ben, it seems that he was an unbelievably caring, thoughtful, and compassionate person. Ben is truly in all of the thoughts of the members of the chapter. Jolson meant a lot to Ben when he was in high school, and it is very sad to see one of our brothers pass away. We are all so sorry for your loss and wish you the best in this time of distress.
ReplyDeleteI am one of Professor Mutnick's students as well, and just wanted you to know how absolutely loved he was by his students. Class Monday night was filled with so much love for him. I wanted to send my condolences and let you know that he made such an impact on us...we will never forget him.
ReplyDeleteI only knew Ben for a short time in high school but his wit and exuberance had not diminshed over time. Thank you for sharing your life the rawness you have shown in these posts is for the rest of us but a small window into your pain. May your beauty live on blessed for knowing Ben at all.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of meeting Ben in Chicago through Pat. He was a funny, great guy and will be missed very, very much. We will keep B's and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
John and Corinne
There are no words at a time like this. Ben and I were in the same section in law school. I did not know him on a personal level but I know he was funny, smart and caring to his friends. I have been following the blog and praying for you both and for Ben's mother. I think of studying for the Bar Exam and seeing him sitting at the end of the library with a huge stack of books in a pink shirt and shorts. I just don't understand how he can be gone so young. As the months to come unfold please know I still hold your family in my prayers at this time of loss and know that Ben touched more lives in a positive way than you will ever know.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Lindsay! I follow your blog and it is an inspiration. It will get easier with time. Hang in there and don't forget to let yourself cry!