So, now it's Sunday and the pain continues to climb. The annual Sunday NFL football watching session was cut short when B had an off the scale pain attack. This attack landed me on the phone with Dr # 12 and resulted in, yup, another increase in his morphine. So the visiting RN had to come to the house 2 times on Sunday. We managed to make it through the Amazing Race before hitting the hay and lights out.....or so we thought.

I was so tired on Sunday that within minutes I was lights out to the point that it was almost difficult getting me up. Unfortunately, the deep sleep was interrupted with an untolerable pain attack. This particular attack resulted in relocating B to our upstairs living room couch. Both he and pooch ended up snuggling together on the couch since the most comfortable position is a seated position.....yes I am serious when I say that B slept sitting up just like the cat and dog.
Turn the page to Monday -- the pain is continuing to climb. I again spend most of the day on the phone with the Dr.'s and they again decide to increase the morphine. With this recent increase in morphine it is now becoming increasingly difficult to carry on a conversation with B, who is now falling asleep mid-sentence. After teaching class - yes, TEACHING CLASS MONDAY NIGHT, B arrives home for some dinner and we make our way to bed. We make it through the night, and awake for Tuesday. Both B and I are exhausted, but B is suffering so much that walking is a freakin' JOKE. I again place calls into all of his Dr.'s and they pretty much order me to bring him into the hospital. This is something that I have to run by B, who does not object at all. That should give you an indication of how crappy he was feeling.
Everything happened pretty fast, but B and I were at 5 South at Butterworth by 4 pm on Tuesday. They were able to arrange a direct admit so we didn't have to go through the ER and they had room 5272 prepped and ready for Team Muttz....that is now our new happy abode (and by happy, I mean frickin place of our attendance for at least the next few days until the pain is subsided enough that B can function like a normal human being!!!)!!!
So, what's been going on since we've been here?!? The main/only goal of the direct admit is to get B's pain under control. The primary source of pain is in his right groin, and right lower back. The right lower back pain is a relatively new source of pain, however it is a real ball buster. So Tuesday night was filled with consults and a lot of team planning. We met with Dr. # 12 who had already consulted with t

By nights end, Dr. # 12 introduced a new pain drug, Ketamine, and removed the morphine. Ketamine, also known as special K on the street, had a pretty toxic effect on B, and they really had to dial it back early this AM. When B woke up this morning he was complaining that he felt really "f-ed up" and he felt li

**Side note** D-Bone and I were looking pretty rough, and I saw just about every Dr. that I work for/with. You could have easily mistaken us for Wal-Mart Wolverines.** Anyways, back to the point of this blog - who would have thought that B would be the first to get the epidural in this family?!? Nonetheless, he was! He beat me to the punch. Right now, B has a temporary epidural in his spine, and the Dr.'s are working dilligently to figure out the right cocktail of meds that are going to work for him. We are hopefully optimistic, as Dr. 14 put it. At this particular time, however, B is not feeling any better!! They told us to plan on being here through the weekend, so our plans for a trip to Chicago this weekend have been canceled...we'll miss you fellas, but we're confident you'll make us proud - Go Green!
We also met with Dr. # 4, who ordered an MRI. B was only able to make it through half of the lumbar/thoracic MRI due to pain, and it looks like they are going to have to hold off in completing the scan since the epidural has metal in it. And metal and an MRI equal a big no no. So Dr. # 4 and Dr. # 14 are going to work out a time in between the removal of the temporary epidural and the pump-install procedure to get the MRI completed. The MRI is to rule out any spread of disease...poo poo.
Well, that's all I have energy to type for I think I am burning a whole in the, B is actually still trying to get some work done tonight and create an online lecture for his classes tomorrow!. Both B and I have met some family and friends here in the hospital that happened to be on B's care team, which is comforting. What a small world! We appreciate the prayers and kinds words, and are just hoping for the best so that we can get a bit of B back.
Thank you all for your support, and we'll be in touch with updates as we get them!!
The Muttz's
Man, I can't fathom the pain, heartache and inconvenience this is causing you guys. It really blows my mind and gives me a new level of respect — and believe me there was a lot there to begin with — for both of you. You two are incredible. To say you're both an inspiration would be the understatement of the year, no decade, no century. How about that? I'm feeling good that B's pain will subside soon. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying. I know the docs will find the right cocktail to get B back on his feet. In the meantime, kick your feet up on that hospital bed and do what you go to do, including watching MSU thump the Wildcats Saturday. Knocking on wood. ... L, great use of the term Walmart Wolverine. You truly are a cultured woman! Keep your heads up. Things will improve soon.
ReplyDeleteL, it amazes me how you keep track of all this technical stuff. You're an amazing woman.
ReplyDeleteLots of prayers that B's docs and that epidural will get rid of this horrible pain. Stay strong, you two.
B, what are the docs gonna recommend next, lamaze breathing? :) Hey, whatever works. We just want you feeling comfortable again. Hang in there.
L wanted me to point out she was intending to use a significantly hilarious picture for her Wolverine Wal-Mart comment, but the internet controls at the hospital are limiting her Google searches. As a side note, she suggests strongly visiting as a source of entertainment for yourselves!!
ReplyDeletePlease enjoy - The Muttz's
Not great news, but we're happy that everyone is focusing on getting rid of the pain. We can't imagine how you feel and are praying/keeping you both in thoughts.
ReplyDeletePat and Melissa
Dear Ben and Lindsay, We are praying every second of every day for you to find some relief. I just want to say that on their very worst day I don't think that it would be even remotely possible for Dianne of Lindsay to in any way come close to resembling a Wal-mart Wolverine (they are GROSS!) Ben, you are right the imagery is hilarious! Love to you both, Uncle Steve and Aunt Julie xoxo
ReplyDeleteSounds like what you guys are going through is agonizing and I can't even begin to imagine. Like Jake said, mad respect and I hope B is feeling better asap.
ReplyDeleteAlso laughter really is the best medicine, and wal-mart is like some extra strength. Thanks for sharing!
Thinking of you every minute! Got my fingers, toes(?),feet,arms, and eyes crossed that you get some much needed relief..for both of you! I am praying, Love Jan T.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, Linds.
ReplyDeleteBen,...dude, I had a SINKING suspicion it was not your burning desire to introduce a new level of technological trendiness when you asked about recording lectures. I know how badly you want to be there in class because I know you love it as much as I do. Please let me know if I can help a brother out in any way.
B & L, your pain and fear is unimaginable, and yet your strength and courage defy explanation at the same time. You two are an inspiration to us all. Suddenly, complaining about the economy or having to visit the dentist or something feels exceptionally trite.
Keep fighting this.
Oh yeah, GO GREEN!
Holding you close.
ReplyDeleteRead this today and thought of you...