Immediately following this procedure B was then pushed away on his awesome stretcher for the completion of his MRI. The MRI imaged B's entire spine and hip and up until this point it has been impossible to get the test completed because laying flat on the MRI table causes B tremendous pain. So this time around they made B comfortable by using anesthesia, so they put him out like he was having surgery. This way the Dr.'s were able to get the studies complete and sent out for review. By the time I got to the room B was awake and in terrible pain. The problem is, Dr. # 15 ran a trial of prialt, the snail poison, on Thursdsay and it seemed to work. However the trail only lasted for about 6-8 hours, so by Friday morning B was back in terrible pain. As I understand the prialt is very expensive so the Dr.'s wanted to make sure

Finally by Saturday morning B seemed a bit better and a bit more comfortable. D Bone came back to the hospital very early so that I could head home for a shower and to do a few things around the house. The plan was for her and B's lil Bro to head back to the D today, Saturday, for a break and to get caught up on some things back home. D Bone's plan was to come back on Monday, and hopefully get B back home. So I returned to the hospital around 12 or so and D Bone and B's lil Bro hit the road. B's dad and Stepmom were scheduled for a visit today so B and I just hung out until they got up to room 5272. The visit was going great until Jamie, Dr. # 4's PA, came into the room to check on B. For whatever reason I decided to ask her if the results were in from the MRI. I knew things were bad when she said " I had hoped you wouldn't asked, but since you did I am obligated to let you know what is going on". She proceeded to tell us that the MRI showed a ton on new cancer spots on his spine. She was very delicate and said that the on-call oncologist would be in within the hour to review things with us.
I was at a total loss for words. I really didn't expect them to tell us that the cancer had spread. I didn't even think that was an option. B just burst into tears and I followed suit. I me

About an hour later the on-call oncologist came into the room to deliver the news. The cancer has spead, and quite a bit. He told us that B has a spot in every bone in his spinal column, about 30 new spots or so. The spots all vary in shape and size, from 2-3mm to 12-15mm. From a treatment stand point he said that the main goal is to get B comfortable and out of pain. So it could mean more radiation, chemo, or both at the same time. He told us that this is something that we will discuss at length with Dr. # 4 on Monday morning. He told us that the cancer is only in the bone and we should remain hopeful since in the past radiation has worked well to treat cancerous spots in the bone in B's case. He didn't really say much more other than he was sorry and that he would again be by to see us tomorrow. I seriously almost passed out. My hands were shaking so bad, and by this point B had pulled the sheet over his face. What a joke right? There is nothing to say. I feel helpless and like we are drowning and the surface keeps getting further and further away and it is getting harder and harder to reach air. I mean what are we supposed to do at this point? What does this mean? We also asked about the results of the hip biopsy and those came back negative, so I guess that is good.
So you can pretty much say we had a f-ing terrible, horrible, gut wrenching, exhausting,

Oh and to add insult to injury, B has C Diff, need I say more!