Medical Cast (in numerical order)

Dr. #1 - Orthopaedic Doc from GR - the cool guy
Dr. #2 - Hip biopsy guy, located in The D
Dr. #3 - Leg tumor remover - 'Radiology Oncologist' - also in GR
Dr. #4 - Lung tumor guy - my main Oncologist
Dr. #5 - Lung biopsy/collapsed lung creator
Dr. #6 - The Plumber - Dr. Colonoscopy and Throat Sweeper
Dr. #7 - UM Lung Specialist - hopefully, The Answer Man
Dr. #8 - Orthopedic Oncologist - The Hip Replacer
Dr. #9 - Lung Surgeon - The Wedge Resector
Dr. #10 - Pain Specialist - Real Life McDreamy
Dr. #11 - Orthopaedic Doc Numero 2 - Investigator
Dr. #12 - REAL Pain Specialist - The Angel!
Dr. #13 - Spine Guy
Dr. # 14 - Anesthesiologist
Dr. # 15 - The Cath Man

Find Something Particular

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Celebrate Good Times...As Best You Can

This past weekend B and I attended our first wedding of the year, and the first wedding since our wedding last August. It was truly a wonderful day. B and I got to meet the parents of our dear friend Mrs. Lips, and we got to share in the wedding of Team J. The weather was beautiful, the bride was beautiful, and the band was rocking, and I had B there by my side.

I have come to realize that drinking makes me very very emotional, so as a precaution and to prevent a scene, I decided to lay off the booze. I had nightmares that I might get out of's happened in the past so I played it safe and stuck to H20. I have to be honest, there were times when it was hard. Usually B is the life of the party, showing off his moves on the dance floor, and busting out a chair dance that you swear was choreographed by Paula herself, but this wedding was different....B was sidelined and it was hard. However that being said we made the best of it, and celebrated good times with some of our closest friends. Hell, we went to the wedding and had a good time, and B even busted out a dance or two with his cane! And don't worry I was there by his side to block any drunk bastards from knocking him over.

And so we stayed the night in St.Joe and headed back to GR on Sunday for some family time. It was nice seeing the Homrich Clan and we got to wish Big D and the rest of the family a face to face happy father's day. And so the weekend ended on a high note bringing us into what has now been dubbed HELL WEEK.

This week started with chemo on Tuesday. B and I woke up early on Tuesday because we had to get to the cancer center for B to get his port put in. This was a procedure that we thought took 15 minutes....think again!!!!!!! B was in the outpatient surgery center for about 3 hours....the staff forgot to mention that the prep for the procedure takes an hour, the procedure itself takes an hour, and the recovery takes an hour. So I was running back and forth all morning long checking on him and making sure that everything was OK. Neither D Bone or I knew that the procedure was going to be this involved so our morning was chaos, and B got a late start on his chemo. All and all B was at the cancer center for over 10 hours on Tuesday....are you frickin kidding me?!? And don't forget his daily radiation treatment. I just don't know how much more my husband can take. It makes me sick. We did meet with Dr. # 4 again.....we meet with him every 2 weeks. Dr. # 4 is hopeful that his new chemo begins to work in killing the cancer. If this happens we will stay the course with this treatment. We will have a better read on this following a scan, which will be scheduled in 2 months or so. Dr. # 4 seemed pleased so far with the new chemo and tends to think that B is feeling a better...other than the right leg. B is scheduled for an MRI of his spine tomorrow and we hope that Dr. # 11 can be our real life "HOUSE" and get to the bottom of this leg pain.

B had radiation again on Wednesday and then had to be back to the cancer center again today to have his portable chemo pack removed. He is so tired and that is understandable. I am tired thinking about it, and I honestly have no idea how we keep the appointments straight. Wednesday, however marked B's last radiation treatment, and thank goodness for that. B's throat is so burned that he is having a hard time eating or drinking anything. He has to force himself to eat, and it such a struggle that he is passing on meals all together. This was to be expected and it is our hope that the radiation works this time around.

The end of the week is winding down and so are B's appointments. And we have a very quiet weekend on tap, which we need. Please keep us in your prayers....we need them. More updates to follow.


  1. Man, it seems like just yesterday the crew was back in the Mitten planting cauliflower on B's suit. Besides all the jokes and laughs, that was the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to. I'll never forget it.

    It's good to hear you guys said F U to cancer and enjoyed yourselves a little. Remember, all the procedures and fighting will eventually lead to a life when going to a wedding is nothing out of the norm. That's what it's all about. You guys are getting there slowly but surely. But if you keep fighting, you'll eventually reach that place again. Praying for you both. We. GOT. THIS.

  2. L, you're an amazing wife. B, hang on, kid. Sorry it's getting worse before it's getting better. Praying REAL HARD that the doc will report the chemo's working. Keep your heads up. We love you guys!

    And, L, you should def sneak a drink w/your girls once in a while. Sometimes you gotta let it out!

  3. P.S. Bear is damn cute. Penny cute. One day those two should meet. I think they would be friends.

  4. Dear Ben and Lindsay, We are so glad that you were able to share in your friends special day, however there was never a bride more beautiful or couple as special as the two of you. Love and prayers, Aunt Julie and Uncle Steve
