Tuesday started with our regular follow up appointment with Dr. # 4 before chemo treatment. The Dr. explained that today he was going to introduce a new chemo drug to the mix. This particular drug is very important but has not been used up to this point because it was dangerous to B before and after surgery.

Dr. # 4 also expressed that it might be beneficial for B to have some radiation in his neck. The neck is really killing B again and during the appointment I voiced concern about the neck and Dr. # 4 seemed to agree. B is scheduled for an MRI and CT scan this next week and the results from these tests will determine what will be done next. B also had an appointment on Friday with Dr. # 3 where they discussed what might be done with radiation. Dr. # 3 said that he will most likely schedule B for 15 treatments however, since B did not react very well the first time around, he will likely give him a stronger dose to kill those little leasons in the back and neck. So we go back to meet with Dr. # 3 again this Friday and we will develop a plan from there.
And now to address the Cali issue.....my blood pressue is already rising just typing this. So as you all know we have been waiting on a pathology report from Cali since B's surgery, almost 6 weeks ago. And as a recap, these results determine source tumor and directly deterrmine the medicine that B receives during each chemo. So at our appointment this week with Dr. # 4 the results were STILL not in. Auntie R started doing some digging late last week, and we found out that the tissue sample was never send. That is right the Beaumont pathology department never sent the sample. I was so upset when I got this message that I could not even say words when I called my mom at work. I would have used the F word, but that did not even begin to touch how ticked off I was. Does this person at Beaumont not realize that they are direclty affecting someone's life....no lie!!!! And to make matters worse they tried to blame it on the Cali lab, saying something to the effect that they needed a special kit to ship the sample in.

Alright enough with the Debbie Downer stuff and onto the positives....Chemo was not as bad this time around, however the side effects were again different. B was very sore and is still not feeling great. Usually the chemo side effects are done and over with by Saturday morning, however they are lingering this time around and B can't seem to get comfortable.

I will keep up with the updates and thanks for stopping by.
Although the news seemed like a mixed bag, one thing that lmuttz said always rings true: bmuttz is a tough mofo. We are all learning from him and always inspired by his perserverance, strength and courage. Those three traits won't go away no matter what is going on in his body. You guys will be ok. I see a full 18 in your futures.
ReplyDeleteAlso, for nasa: clack, clack ... I don't know what that means but it looks cool to read ....
ReplyDeleteI can not believe the morons with the sample. Thank God Auntie R did some investigating or the freakin' idiots would still be twiddling their thumbs. Grrr.
ReplyDeleteWell, the new chemo drug definitely sounds like a positive. Glad to hear you're getting in some golf time. You deserve it.
Hang in there, BMuttz. Keep doing what you're doing, LMuttz.
Beaumont, WTF! Although that part was not good, the rest of the update seems very positive. Keep up the good work. It's a shame there isn't a Major Magic's around you to cheer you up, but I'm sure some snuggle bunnies on the golf course will do the trick.