Medical Cast (in numerical order)

Dr. #1 - Orthopaedic Doc from GR - the cool guy
Dr. #2 - Hip biopsy guy, located in The D
Dr. #3 - Leg tumor remover - 'Radiology Oncologist' - also in GR
Dr. #4 - Lung tumor guy - my main Oncologist
Dr. #5 - Lung biopsy/collapsed lung creator
Dr. #6 - The Plumber - Dr. Colonoscopy and Throat Sweeper
Dr. #7 - UM Lung Specialist - hopefully, The Answer Man
Dr. #8 - Orthopedic Oncologist - The Hip Replacer
Dr. #9 - Lung Surgeon - The Wedge Resector
Dr. #10 - Pain Specialist - Real Life McDreamy
Dr. #11 - Orthopaedic Doc Numero 2 - Investigator
Dr. #12 - REAL Pain Specialist - The Angel!
Dr. #13 - Spine Guy
Dr. # 14 - Anesthesiologist
Dr. # 15 - The Cath Man

Find Something Particular

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Recovery, Rehab, and A Razor

This week Wednesday marked week 1 post op. We actually came home from the hospital last week Sunday. It was a real ordeal getting B here, but we did it. By Sunday everyone had hit the wall, so we got the heck out of there Prison Break style. It was liberating....this must be the feeling that an inmate feels after getting released early on a 20 year sentence. How we all missed the touch of the sun on our faces or the smell of Wendy's in the breeze. I left the hospital first, so that I could get to CVS and get B's meds filled and then I packed the car, including both dogs, and headed back to GR. D Bone stayed behind and helped to get B discharged from the hospital and then delivered him safely back to Raymond St.

The drive to GR was about 20 minutes too long, and when B finally walked through the door, I was actually scared of him. We got him drugged and then put him to bed. While he was dreaming of sugar plum fairies, D Bone and I worked to get the house BMuttz proofed, meaning putting together and setting up all medical equipment that B needs for the next few weeks. I guess I wish I could say that thing have been easy, but that would be a lie. Things have actually been pretty hard. B has been in terrible pain and has yet to do much walking. The Dr's diagnosed him with sciatica. I know, you all are thinking, yeah right! This must be a joke because they have been through enough already, but this is no lie, I am a truth teller. They say that the hip area is very swollen from the surgery, radiation, and chemo, and that the hip and butt muscles are pressing on the sciatic nerve, causing terrible pain. The pain has been so bad that we had to take B to a pain clinic. The Dr., Dr. # 10, changed B's meds, and increased the dose and that seems to have helped a bit, and I mean a bit, and from what I hear this Dr was really nice and was really good looking.....isn't that right B Done? They put B on methodone which justifies a previous post on B feeling like a crack head. Nonetheless, B is heroin free and en route to a full recovery....we hope....knock on wood....fingers crossed....lucky rabbit foot rubbed....insert your lucky superstition here.

We have had many sleepless nights, and many tense moments, but that is bound to happen when NO ONE is sleeping. But I guess you look for silver lining where you can find it. On a high note, the GIANT tumor that had single-handedly destroyed B's hip is long gone. And the mini tumors that had spread to the pelvis are also gone, and B has a new hip and should be walking soon. Not to mention that the tumor was still alive and they hope to give us some concrete news this Tuesday when we meet with Dr # 4 for chemo treatment # there is your silver lining. We are not looking forward to chemo, with B being in so much pain now. We both wonder how he is going to make it, but he will for me and for himself. The only way to make him better is to make him really sick first. B also had an emergency blood transfusion this week to boost some blood levels so he can go through with his chemo treatment. Friday B was at the cancer center all day, hooked up to an IV blood drip, and as far as we know, we are a go for Tuesday.

Lastly B got a makeover of sorts this week. We began to notice quite a bit of hair loss mid week, and he begged me for the clipper # 1 special. For those of you who don't know what that means just think of your typical 5 o'clock shadow. This was particularly hard for me, and I cried and cried. It is not like I didn't think that B had cancer before, but now he has the typical cancer look and it was a huge slap of cancer reality in our face. He still looks sexy, but different. He is also losing arm and leg hair, but we have yet to shave that. I know that hair is hair, but it has been a really really hard week. However, I am giving a shout of to Juancho, Brad, and Mike, who also shaved their heads in support of B. What great family and friends we have.

Also we want to thank all of our family and friends for their support over the past few months. There is no way that we can ever repay the kindness, however we have talked about throwing a huge party when all of this is plan on being there. Please keep praying for us and we will be sure to update again soon.


  1. L you are an amazing wife and B is very lucky to have you (even though we have never met, I can just tell.) Wishing you an easier week with less pain and more sleep!

  2. Pulling for you ... I wish there were a way to take some of the pain and exhaustion for both of you ... for now, I am just sending you so many positive thoughts!

  3. Thinking about you guys and I can't wait for the party

  4. You guys have been making some 'baby steps' progress. I feel a green giant leap coming your way. Stay positive. We are with you. 'We got this.'

  5. B and L, hang in there, you two. Don't let these testing setbacks get the best of you. You'll go into chemo #2 like a champ and before you know it the sciatica will be long gone. ... Jake and I will be at that party with bells on.

    Oh, and, as I've said before, baldin' is scaldin'. :) Seriously, I'm sure B looks just as handsome without hair as he did with it.

  6. Thanks to everyone for all the love and support through this trying time. Ben and I feel how much we are loved every day. And thanks to everyone for stopping in to check out the blog. Our love is so strong now, nothing can stop us!

  7. When I type a B into my browser, is the 1st thing that comes up.


  8. wow, these spammers are from outer space. Thoughtless mofo's too.

    ~ KLM, Evanston, IL
